Porella roellii

Porella roellii Steph. (Porellaceae)

Distinguishing Features

An occasional species of exposed rocks, P. roelli is typically a yellow-brownish and glossy plant that has branches few and far between. From the underside with a hand lens, the underlobes are narrower than the underleaf (see photo). Many describe this species as having a "peppery" taste compared to other Porella species, though it should not be consumed.

Similar species

The typical rock habitat, glossy, little-branched shoots and narrow underleaves distinguish P. roellii from P. navicularis, with its wide underleaf, and P. cordaeana, with its matte shoots.


Dry to mesic, shady rock outcrops, boulders, cliffs, tree trunks (esp. deciduous trees), and occasionally decayed wood, humus, and mineral soil in the lowland and montane zones; frequent in coastal BC, rare in c [Smithers area] and se BC.

Associated species